A Match Made in Heaven
We are so excited to be able to partner with Helene Banner to bring you our first Women in Leadership event.
Helene is a friend of The Moorings, and through The Moorings has become a dear friend of ours.
It was John, Helene’s husband, who on his first visit to The Moorings without Helene, in conversation with Matthew, suggested Helene and Iselin, with their overlapping world views (read: life of working women!) would get on like a house on fire. Well, John was right!
We are now delighted to be able to bring to the women of Jersey, what Helene brings to women worldwide, a female leadership workshop.
About Helene
Helene Banner is an international Keynote Speaker and Women Leadership Trainer who founded the project “Let’s Just Be Imperfect, Ladies” after her 10-year career as spokesperson and political speechwriter at the European Commission in Brussels and Berlin.
In 2019, she advised European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the weeks when she became the first woman to hold the EU’s top post.
She holds an M.Sc from the London School of Economics and is a Visiting Professor on political communication at the College of Europe in Bruges.
As a speaker for organisations ranging from the Oxford Union Society, the German government, European Union Agencies, law firms and private sector champions, she brings male and female leaders together for a more open, transparent and diverse work culture in their organisations.

About the Women in Leadership Workshop
Many classic women empowerment trainings teach women how to “survive” in male-dominated management positions by “toughening up” and by leading with more assertiveness.
Helene’s workshop is different; instead of trying to “change” women, her inspiring work focuses on strengthening every woman to feel confident with the natural, feminine qualities they already have; their empathy, their emotional intelligence and their power to think in alliances rather than in competition.
These skills are more than just “soft skills”: studies show that they are much needed at the top of every organisation to create healthy and balanced decisions and to increase efficiency and profitability.
More than a seminar, this day is an experience that profoundly changes the participant’s perspectives on how powerful they already are.
Format of the Workshop
Growing as a woman, inspiring as a leader in the workplace
9.15: Arrivals, Coffee and Madeleines
9.30: Welcome and Introductions
The event itself will be opened by Iselin Jones, Owner and Director of The Moorings Hotel & Restaurant.
With a diverse background first as a journalist, then junior lawyer and now hotelier, she will share reflections on her own career journey and the challenges she faced along the way before introducing Helene

9:45-11:00: Inspirational Keynote: Let’s Just Be Imperfect, Ladies- The power of shining with your feminine leadership skills in the workplace.
Exchange of experiences by participants.
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15- 12.30: Female Leadership Skills Session I- Say hello to the powerful woman who is already inside you // Staying confident in challenging, male-dominated professional situations.
12:30- 13:30 Lunch
13.30- 14:45 Female Leadership Skills Session II- Daring to take space as a woman leader // Stop saying „sorry“ training //Making your own definition of success
14:45-15:00 Conclusions and take-aways with Iselin and Helene
Book your Space
Places on this course are limited to 14 to ensure maximum benefit for participants, and can be reserved via email to:
The price per person for this unique event is £350.
If you’d be interested in arranging a bespoke corporate away day for a group of colleagues at The Moorings with Iselin and Helene please contact us directly.

We know you’re dying to ask…“can men attend this course?”
The answer is: THIS course is for everyone who identifies as a woman. The idea is not to exclude men, but to create a women-only space where women can feel safe to express themselves.
Luckily though, Helene does a separate course created specifically for men! And if that’s something we should be hosting too, please let us know by expressing your interest!